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The Meaning of Organic Cultivation

27 April 2023

Organic cultivation is a method of growing crops using natural, environmentally-friendly methods. It avoids the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms, and instead relies on practices like crop rotation, composting, and biological pest control.

Organic farming usually creates a sustainable system, where waste from crops and animals is used to feed and nourish the soil, rather than being discarded or causing pollution. This leads to healthier soil, which in turn supports healthier plants and animals. Organic farms also prioritize the promotion of natural pest control and natural pollination of the plants.

Organic cultivation is often seen as a more sustainable and ethical approach to agriculture, as it avoids the use of harmful chemicals and supports the health of the ecosystem. Organic food products are also considered healthier for human consumption, as they are free from residual pesticide and fertilizer residues.

For the validation of an organic cultivation, a certification is required. Organic certification is regulated by various national and international organizations, which set standards for organic farming practices and ensure that certified products meet those standards. In order to become certified organic, farmers must follow these standards and undergo regular inspections to ensure compliance.

For Botanik, the certification is something that we valuate, in order to maintain the guarantee of the high quality of our products, being also a manner of assuring our commitment with working in respect for the environment, by collaborating with small producers all over the world and encouraging them to obtain their certifications through sustainable practices.

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