Shilajit : un puissant herbominéral pour le bien-être


Shilajit : un puissant herbominéral pour le bien-être

Shilajit is a compose initially found on Himalaya formed by the decomposition of plant and microbial matter. This natural resin derived from the mountains has been used on ayurvedic medicine and has emerged as a powerhouse of wellness, captivating the attention of health enthusiasts. In the composition of organic shilajit can be found a powerful …

Shilajit : un puissant herbominéral pour le bien-être Lire la suite »

Le Sens de la Culture Biologique

Organic cultivation is a method of growing crops using natural, environmentally-friendly methods. It avoids the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms, and instead relies on practices like crop rotation, composting, and biological pest control. Organic farming usually creates a sustainable system, where waste from crops and animals is used to feed and …

Le Sens de la Culture Biologique Lire la suite »

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